AI based maritime technology

Smart maritime surveillance

Harnessing the power of AI to revolutionize ship detection and identification for a secure  and efficient maritime domain.

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Smart ISR

AI-driven software automating vessel recognition from any camera feed, enhancing the operator for efficient and accurate maritime surveillance.

We’re here to trace & monitor the sea for you is led by a team of experienced maritime professionals, former commanders of the airborne maritime patrol unit of the Israeli Navy. The founding team has managed, trained and operated maritime patrols across the globe. In addition, azimut. ai’s team is expert in naval operations, surveillance technology, Al, and computer visIon.

By combining vast operational experience with the latest technological advancements, is uniquely positioned to revolutionize maritime surveillance, delivering cutting-edge Al-driven solutions that address the ever-evolving challenges of the maritime industry, with a strong commitment to innovation, safety, and security.

About us

surveillance utilizes cutting-edge machine learning and computer vision to analyze real-time video feeds. Our technology process image data for vessel detection and identification, even in challenging conditions.

Integrated with AIS data sources for cross-referencing, the system reveals anomalies with a modular design, making adaptable to diverse surveillance platforms and industries.

Real-time analysis

Advanced ship identification

AIS data integration

Use cases

AI for maritime
safety and security.


Monitor and secure maritime borders, intercepting unauthorized vessels and preventing illicit activities.

Environmental conservation

Detect and deter illegal fishing, respond to oil spills, preserving marine ecosystems

Search & rescue operations

Quickly locate and identify distressed vessels, enhancing response time and effectiveness during emergencies.


Strengthen port security by identifying and tracking vessels, enabling smooth and efficient port operations.